
1/a 제텔카스텐과의 커뮤니케이션

제텔카스텐과의 커뮤니케이션은 단순한 단방향 입출력 시스템이 아니라 상호작용적이고 역동적인 프로세스로 이해할 수 있는 개념이다.

  1. 정보 입력
  2. 내부 내용 잊어버리기
  3. 상호 작용으로서의 재발견
  4. 새로운 아이디어의 출현
  5. 질문 및 탐색
  6. 제텔카스텐 '다시 말하기'

Communicating with a Zettelkasten is a concept that can be understood as an interactive and dynamic process, rather than a simple one-way input-output system.

  1. Inputting Information:

    • You start by putting notes, ideas, and pieces of information into your Zettelkasten (zk). This is the initial step where you actively engage with the Zettelkasten by feeding it with your thoughts, observations, and knowledge.
  2. Forgetting What's Inside:

    • Over time, as you continue to add more notes, you may forget some of the content you've already placed in the Zettelkasten. This is natural, given the volume of information it can accumulate.
  3. Rediscovery as Interaction:

    • When you revisit your Zettelkasten and encounter these forgotten notes, it feels as if you're interacting with something outside yourself, almost like having a conversation with another person. The Zettelkasten can present ideas that feel new or surprising to you, despite being your own input, because of the way they're connected and organized.
  4. Emergence of New Ideas:

    • The Zettelkasten shows you things you hadn’t thought of before. This happens due to the connections and relationships between notes that emerge as the system grows. The structure of the Zettelkasten allows for unexpected intersections of ideas, leading to new insights.
  5. Questioning and Exploring:

    • You can ask questions of your Zettelkasten, probing it for information, connections, or insights on specific topics. In this sense, you’re not just retrieving information but actively engaging with the content to generate new understanding.
  6. The Zettelkasten "Speaking Back":

    • In response to your inquiries or exploration, the Zettelkasten "speaks back" by revealing connections and intersections you hadn’t previously considered. This is where the system shows its true value—by providing a space where new ideas can emerge from the interaction between your input and the system's structure.

In essence, communicating with a Zettelkasten involves a cyclical process of input, forgetting, rediscovery, exploration, and insight generation, which feels like a dialogue between you and the system.

1. 정보 입력:

2. 내부 내용 잊어버리기:

3. 상호 작용으로서의 재발견:

4. 새로운 아이디어의 출현:

5. 질문 및 탐색:

6. 제텔카스텐 '다시 말하기':

본질적으로 제텔카스텐과의 커뮤니케이션은 입력, 망각, 재발견, 탐색, 통찰력 생성의 주기적인 과정을 포함하며, 이는 사용자와 시스템 간의 대화처럼 느껴진다.